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Sniper App 1 3 4 – Snippets Manager Resume

  1. Sniper App 1 3 4 – Snippets Manager Resumes
  2. Sniper App 1 3 4 – Snippets Manager Resume Example
  3. Sniper App 1 3 4 – Snippets Manager Resume Objective

Reactive Resume is a free and open source resume builder that’s built to make the mundane tasks of creating, updating and sharing your resume as easy as 1, 2, 3. With this app, you can create multiple resumes, share them with recruiters through a unique link and print as PDF, all for free, no advertisements, without losing the integrity. Snippet: The Easiest Way to Publish Rich Content. Project Manager: Centre for Legal Practices and Services, Albania 03/20 Juvenile Justice System Project $1.2 million-Managed successfully local staff of 4 and 7 remote. Subcontract Administrator: Bechtel-Enka Joint Venture Albania 07/20.

Greater Chicago Area, IL (507) 884-2429 adabaji01@yahoo.com Feeder 3 6 4 x 8.

KEY SKILLSProficient: Javascript, Node.js, Express, React, Redux, Git, HTML, CSS, PostgreSQL, SequelizeKnowledgeable: OOP, C, C++, SQL, Mocha, Chai, Postman, Bootstrap, HerokuSome experience: Vue.js, Mongo DB, Travis CI/CD, Webpack

Sniper App 1 3 4 – Snippets Manager Resumes

EDUCATIONMaster of Science in Computer Science: University of Louisville 05/2022Recent completed courses: Program language (C & C++), Discrete Structures, Survey of CECSCertificate: Fullstack Academy, Chicago, IL 09/2020Software Engineering Bootcamp, 17-Week Full Stack ImmersiveMaster of Laws (LLM): Central European University  Budapest, Hungary 2010-2011Awards: Justice Initiative Fellowship-A full ride scholarshipBachelor of Laws (LLB) in Law, University of Tirana,  Albania 2002-2006

PROJECTSJobBird A RESTful Web App GitHub 08/18/2020- presentA full stack web app for searching and keeping track of job applications, with Google OAuth user login integrating GitHub Jobs API, and a drag and drop user job board to keep track of job applications, all in one app.

  • Built the app RESTful API based on CRUD principles to save from the external API and serve jobs results.
  • Developed all Express routes with Sequelize ORM querying our PostgreSQL database for user and jobs info.
  • Implemented the Search feature to filter through the jobs data based on location, job title and company.Environment: Express/Node, React w/ Redux, JS, CSS, Sequelize ORM, PostgreSQL, Git, GitHub Jobs API

Izotope ozone 9. Dijkstra’s Shortest Path Algorithm Visualizer 08/12/-08/15/2020A colorful visualization board illustrating Dijkstra’s algorithm shortest path calculation between two given points.Environment: Vue, React, JS, HTML, CSS, Git

Graceful-Suds E-commerce web app GitHub 08/03/-08/12/2020A full stack e-commerce web application for selling soap products. Midi keyboard teaching software. Mini vci driver windows 10.

  • Developed Express routes for getting products from the database and respective React /w Redux components to display all products and single product on the web page.
  • Implemented reviews feature front and back (React w/ Redux and Express) responsible for displaying, submitting new reviews and saving them in the app relational database.
  • Developed guest cart feature, for a persistent cart while not logged in using session cookies in the back end.
  • Built the project database schema as part of an agile developing team of 4.Environment: Express, Node, React w/ Redux, PostgreSQL, Sequelize ORM, JS, Heroku, Travis CI/CD, Git

Software Engineering Immersive at Fullstack Academy, Remote 03/2020-09/2020

Sniper App 1 3 4 – Snippets Manager Resume Example

  • By pair programming, 7 hours a day Monday through Friday, I successfully built a new project every day, and 2 full stack capstone projects over a period of 1-3 weeks.
  • Completed over 800+ hours of coding practice using JavaScript in full stack app development including advanced uses of React & Redux, Node, Express, and PostgreSQL databases, as well as practiced theoretical concepts like common algorithms, CRUD, RESTful architecture, MVC and data structures.

Software Engineering Student at University of Louisville  Remote 08/2018-03/2020

  • Completed over 400+ hours of coding in C++, while learning about OOP, main data structures and algorithms, systems design, and advanced C++ concepts like threading etc.
  • Completed over 300+ hours of JavaScript, building personal projects using React, HTML and CSS.

Apple external storage. Senior Corporate Paralegal: Thorelli & Associates, Chicago, IL 01/2017-12/2018

Sniper App 1 3 4 – Snippets Manager Resume
  • Worked alongside attorneys drafting employment agreements, limited warranties, NDAs, and maintained corporate minute books of around 300 clients up to date, and communicated daily with clients on same.
  • Trained and supervised for a period of one year one foreign legal intern.

Operations Manager: Talbots, Rochester, MN 08/2015-11/2016

  • Coached sales staff of 10 and played a key role in the store surpassing our yearly goal and successfully grossing more than $2.5 million in sales.

How do you download powerpoint to your computer for free. Project Manager: Centre for Legal Practices and Services, Albania 03/2013-05/2014 Pdf converter ocr 6 2 12.

  • Juvenile Justice System Project $1.2 million-Managed successfully local staff of 4 and 7 remote.

Subcontract Administrator: Bechtel-Enka Joint Venture Albania 07/2007-09/2009

Sniper App 1 3 4 – Snippets Manager Resume Objective

  • Managed successfully approx. 600 subcontracts from kick off meeting to contract close-out.

Sniper App 1 3 4 – Snippets Manager Resume
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